Psychopedagogical Association


About us

About the Psychopedagogical Association

We are an organisation for professionals in counselling, psychotherapy, psychology, pedagogy and related professions. We operate worldwide with state-of-the-art communication methods. Our organisation is supported by Google, Meta and Microsoft, which provide us with the necessary tools to develop our members.

Our philosophy

Counselling and psychotherapy can have a positive impact not only on individuals, but also on families or groups of whole communities. As an organisation, we are committed to promoting the profession of counselling, psychotherapy and psychopedagogy as a viable and increasingly evidence-based choice for people. We know that counselling works!

We accompany our members throughout their careers and put them at the heart of what we do. We understand their needs and support them to positively influence the mental wellbeing of their clients.

We do this by advocating and enabling research to build trusted best practice, and by ensuring a robust framework is in place to ensure the profession follows and adheres to the highest possible standards that protect those seeking therapy.

As a result, we help the public, individuals and commissioners to make better, more informed choices about the provision of counselling services and continue to raise the ethical and professional standards of the profession.

Our objectives

As a registered organisation, we bring together professionals and promote their activities in international markets. In all our activities, whether we are providing services to members, commissioning research or campaigning, these are the goals that guide us and the principles by which we measure our success.

Our objectives include:

  • to promote and provide education and training for counsellors and psychotherapists working both professionally and voluntarily, full or part-time, to raise the standards of the counselling profession for the benefit of the community and in particular those who are the recipients of counselling or psychotherapy,

  • to inform and educate the public about the contribution that the counselling and psychotherapy professions can make in general and, in particular, in meeting the needs of people whose participation and development in society is hindered by physical or mental health needs or disabilities,

  • building knowledge of correct social attitudes, behaviours that build healthy functioning,

  • creating and organising social prevention in terms of mental and social health.